Redirect checker

 URL Status Checker Tool check url redirection http status codes, 302, 301 redirect chains & response headers.  

Request URL Messege Status codes Redirects

URL Redirect Checker Features

Redirect checker

Our redirect checker https is a bulk URL redirect checker tool that provides an overview of up to ten redirection. View the whole redirect chain with HTTP response headers, body, and round-trip times for each request URL.

Request headers

Choose a User-Agent (search engine bots, mobile devices, or desktop browsers), and optional HTTP request headers like Accept-Language or Cookies. It is an Http header that can be used to provide information regarding the request context to the server.


Search for specific request URLs or filter results by selecting status codes, redirect types, or other type error filters. Redirect the http requests to an external URL filtering server by intercepting them and Check the individual URLs along with their status.

Data export

Export URLs, status codes, redirect types and locations to a CSV or XLS file. Use filters to export a specific selection of requested URLs. It makes the export of requested URLs easier. The URLs results should be exported in the same manner as the URLs are imported.

Redirect latency

Each reroute increases the amount of time it takes for a landing page to load while the redirection is in process. Several redirects convert to an excessive page overhead that leads to delay of page load. On a page every redirect includes latency to the total page load time.

Easy input

Detect up to 100 URLs status codes and redirect destinations. HTTP URLs are validated by default and you will be recognized where does this link go after redirection. However, you can permanently check https change the settings to SSL.

Advantage of Redirection Checker

Our Bulk Redirect Checker is an SEO friendly redirect checker which is equipped with many useful functions, including:

  • To check domain redirect, You may select from a variety of User Agents, like Googlebot/2.1 Desktop/Mobile, Bingbot/2.0, YandexBot/3.0, Applebot/0.1.
  • We do check redirect online and we compatible most of the modern browsers Agents, including Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer that detect javascript redirect checker.
  • It is an online redirect checker app that supports the majority of modern mobile browsers Agents, like Apple iPad and iPhone and Android operating system.
  • we do website redirect check search engine friendly redirect and it's supported by most of popular search engine bots like GoogleBot, Google Mobile Bot, Yandex, Yahoo Slurp, BingBot, Baidu, and other
  • check https redirection checker that supports 70 distinct types of HTTP status codes, redirect rules, HTTP response headers, optional HTTP body including 302 and 301 redirects, among others.
  • Examines redirect checker https, http, www, and non-www redirects, in addition to meta refresh redirects and determines whether the website redirect URL checker is accurate or not.
  • In addition, it performs typical javascript redirection analysis, as well as validates and presents redirect chain analysis.
  • Check page redirects status code for ex: http https headers example X-Robots-Tag, Status Code, Header Tag, Rel Canonical, linking.

When it comes to a standard URL, there are four ways you can reach your website to check redirect path through the below links.

This redirect detective automatically checks all possible versions of your domain redirect to the final URL in the proper manner. As a result, you just mention canonical tick so you don’t have to check all versions of your URL manually.

About Redirect checker

Redirect Check tool helps you to check deep insight information about how URLs are redirected and what the status codes are, as well as the responses of http headers and it analyzes the redirect chains to give you detail analysis with redirect path if a requested URL is redirected properly.

This is what happens when you link redirect trace.

Redirect tracker shows you all the links that you have been redirected through javascript redirect, NGINX redirects, PHP redirects, meta refreshes, and htaccess that takes your page to destination.

Frequently Ask Question (FAQ’s):

This URL redirect check tool gives you detailed information about url redirection, checks all redirects on website and it also evaluates the redirect link checker path for a requested URL to check if the URL has been redirected properly. Get all the information you need to know about the entire redirect chain.

Enter or paste your domain or list of URLs in the input box for redirect test. You can tick canonical above the input box for more detail information about your redirect path. ·Click the check redirection button below of the input box. ·A few seconds later, you will see the results below the input box along with all kinds of redirect url online with detail information and its redirect chain for a better user experience.

This link redirect checker website application may help you resolve link problems and get detailed information about your redirection chain, including http status codes, location header responses, redirect latency, redirect hop and much more.

Paste your URL that you wish to check the 301 redirection and get the detail result. You can verify all URLs with our 301 link redirection tester to make sure the 301 redirect tool checker is for you.

The most widely used redirects by the users are 301 status code, 302 code and meta refresh.

SEO is very important and make it ranks higher if you use proper SEO 301 redirect checker tool and implement it properly. Check SEO redirect If the redirects are not implemented properly it may affect your SEO rankings. This is Why HTTP Status Codes and Errors importance for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The most widely used redirects by the users are 301 status code, 302 code and meta refresh.

SEO is very important and make it ranks higher if you use proper SEO 301 redirect checker tool and implement it properly. Check SEO redirect If the redirects are not implemented properly it may affect your SEO rankings. This is Why HTTP Status Codes and Errors importance for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

301 redirect check and 302 redirect check both have different purposes, 301 page redirect checker status code is used for doing a permanent change of redirection whereas 302 redirect is most frequently used by the users and it is used for the temporary redirection change. you can get deep information that how website 301 redirect checker works with this SEO tool.

check redirect status code 303 See Other domain redirect check a HTTP status code is available temporarily at a different location and directs the user to a new URL with a GET request

You can use our domain redirect checker to fix error too many redirects issue by clearing your browser cache, by clearing cookies on the redirecting websites, reset the htaccess files, make sure the SSL certificate is correctly installed, by contacting the hosting provider, or you may use our redirect status checker for more details.

NO, but this website redirect checker can check redirect domain and make sure how and where your domain is redirected along with status code of http and https.

It is the response that web clients (usually browsers) receive from an Internet server in response to a request for information (HTTP). These replies provide valuable information based on the information requested in the HTTP request.

301 redirect check and 302 redirect check both have different purposes, 301 page redirect checker status code is used for doing a permanent change of redirection whereas 302 redirect is most frequently used by the users and it is used for the temporary redirection change. you can get deep information that how website 301 redirect checker works with this SEO tool.

check redirect status code 303 See Other domain redirect check a HTTP status code is available temporarily at a different location and directs the user to a new URL with a GET request

You can use our domain redirect checker to fix error too many redirects issue by clearing your browser cache, by clearing cookies on the redirecting websites, reset the htaccess files, make sure the SSL certificate is correctly installed, by contacting the hosting provider, or you may use our redirect status checker for more details.

NO, but this website redirect checker can check redirect domain and make sure how and where your domain is redirected along with status code of http and https.

Most Common HTTP response status codes

More REST service-specific information is contained in the entry.

Informational responses:

  • This interim response tells the client to keep going with the request, or to ignore the response if the request is already done.

  • The protocol the server is switching to is indicated by this code, which is sent in response to an Upgrade request header from the client.

  • Indicates that the server has received the request and is processing it, but that no answer has yet been sent.

  • When used with the Link header, the user agent can begin downloading resources while the server generates a response.

Success Responses:

  • The request was granted. The HTTP method determines the meaning of "success":

    GET: The resource was retrieved and sent in the message body.

    HEAD : The answer includes the representation headers but not the message content.

    PUT or POST: The result of the action is sent in the message body.

    TRACE: The message body contains the server's response.

  • The request succeeded, creating a new resource. This is usually the response to POST or PUT requests.

  • The request was received but not processed. It's noncommittal since HTTP doesn't allow sending an asynchronous response revealing the request's results. It's for requests that are handled by another process or server, or batch process.

  • returned metadata is not the same as the origin server's, but is from a local or third-party copy. This is usually used for mirrors or backups. Except in that situation, the 200 OK response is acceptable.

  • This request has no content, but the headers maybe relevant. The user agent may refresh its cached headers for this page.

  • Resets the content that sent this request to the user agent.

  • When the Range header is sent by the client to request only a portion of a resource.

  • Conveys information about multiple sources in cases where multiple status codes may be required.

  • An instance-manipulation result has been applied to the current instance, which has been fulfilled a GET request by the server.

Redirection Messages:

  • The request has multiple responses. The user agent or the user should pick one. A user can pick one of the responses using HTML links to the options.

  • The requested resource's URL has been permanently redirected with a new URL is given in the response.

  • The URL of the requesting resource has been temporarily moved. The URL may change in the future. Thus, the client should use the same URL in future requests.

  • The server sent this answer to tell the client to make a GET request to get the requested resource from another URL.

  • 304 is used for caching. It informs the client that the response has not changed, allowing the client to keep using the cached version of the response.

  • In a previous version of the specification, it was stated that a requested response must be accessed by a proxy. It has been removed due to security concerns.

  • You can't use this response code any more. Prior to HTTP/1.1, it was utilized.

  • The response from the server directs the client to use the same method that was used in the prior request. Web servers send this code when they find what they're looking for: 302 Found, except that the user agent do not modify the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) method used: if the first request was a POST, the second request must also be a POST.

  • Location: HTTP Response header indicates that the resource is now permanently located at a different URI. A 301 Moved Permanently response code has the same meaning as a 301 Moved Permanently response code, but the user agent cannot modify the HTTP method used: a POST must be used in both requests.

Client Error Responses:

  • The server can't or won't process the query due to a client error, For example; invalid request message framing, deceptive request routing, malformed request syntax.

  • The HTTP standard defines "unauthorized," which signifies "unauthenticated" in this case. To receive the requested response, the client must first authenticate themselves.

  • 402 is reserved for future use. Originally intended for use in digital payment systems, however, this status code is rarely used, and no standard exists.

  • The client has no access to the content.; Because it is unauthorized, the server will not provide the requested resource. Unlike 401, The server knows the client's identify without authorization.

  • The requested resource is unavailable. The URL is not recognized by the browser. In an API, this means the endpoint is legitimate but the resource is not available. An unauthorized client may get this answer instead than 403 Forbidden. Most people recognize this response code due to its frequent appearance online.

  • The server recognizes the request method but the destination resource does not. For example, It's possible that an API won't let you use DELETE to remove a resource.

  • This response is delivered when the web server cannot discover any content that meets the user agent's requirements.

  • Similar to 401 Unauthorized, but requires proxy authentication.

  • Some servers provide this response on an idle connection, even though no client request was made. It signifies the server wants to disconnect this unused connection. Since certain browsers ( Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge) surf faster using HTTP pre-connection methods. A few servers just disconnect the connection without delivering this information.

  • 409 response is sent when a request conflicts with the server's state.

  • The HTTP 410 Gone client error code indicates that access to the target resource is no longer available at the origin server and this condition maybe permanent.

  • The server denied the request so because the information header field is missing.

  • The client has set up rules in its headers that the server doesn't meet.

  • The request entity exceeds the server's size limitations. The server may disconnect or return a Retry-After header field.

  • The client's URI is too lengthy for the server to understand.

  • The server rejects the request because the media format is not supported.

  • The request's Range header field cannot be matched. The range may be larger than the destination URI's contents.

  • The server cannot meet the expectation specified in the Expect request header element.

  • The server refuses to use a teapot to brew coffee.

  • The request was sent to a server that cannot respond. A server may send this even if it isn't set to respond to the request URI's scheme and authority.

  • The request was well-formed but had semantic errors.

  • The resource being visited is password-protected.

  • The request failed because a preceding request had failed.

  • This indicates that the server is hesitant to handle a request that maybe replayed.

  • The server maybe willing to comply if the client updates to a new protocol. For each 426 response, the server sends an Upgrade header with the needed protocol(s).

  • The origin server needs conditional requests. This answer prevents the 'lost update' issue, when a client GETs a resource's state, alters it, then PUTs it back to the server, causing a conflict.

  • Too many requests in a short time ("rate limiting").

  • The request's header fields are too big for the server to handle. Resubmit the request after decreasing the request header information.

Server Error Responses:

  • The server is having trouble resolving an unknown error.

  • The server does not support this request method. The only protocols that servers must provide (and hence not return) are GET and HEAD.

  • This error implies that the server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway to handle the request.

  • Error 503: Server temporarily unable to process request.

  • This error occurs when a server performing as a gateway and can't obtain a response in time.

  • The server does not support the requested HTTP version.

  • Due to the setup issue, the specified variant resource is not a suitable negotiation endpoint.

  • Permits an HTTP server to inform a client that their PUT or POST action failed due to disc space limitations.

  • During request processing, the server discovered an endless loop.

  • The server needs to extend the request to execute it.

  • Indicates the client must authenticate to access the network.

Read more information about HTTP status codes at and Wikipedia.